17/06/23, 11:00

A celebration of the historic event of Brno noon, performed by a brass quintet, which will play fanfares from the tower of the Old Town Hall at 11 a.m.

What is Brno noon?

From May to August 1645, General Lennart Torstenson besieged Brno. One day he vowed that he would either conquer Brno before they started in the church of St. Peter and Paul at Peter's to ring noon, or he will leave the siege. When he attacked the city and Brno was almost conquered, the old bell ringer decided to give strength to the defenders by ringing their bell. When he did so, Tortenson thought it was already noon and pulled away from Brno, even though it was only 11 o'clock. From those times, the noon bell was always rung at 11 o'clock in this church.

The second version of the rumor claims that Torstenson swore so at a war council on the eve of the last attack on Brno and was heard by a spy from Brno. The next day, when it was 11 o'clock and it seemed that Brno would fall, the defenders decided to let the bell ring at Peter's noon an hour earlier.