Music Marathon Brno 2022 I Hausopera

13/08/22, 22:00

As part of the Brno Music Marathon, we will welcome for the third time the extremely creative Brno ensemble Hausopera, which will present the last of the trilogy of operas connected with important functionalist monuments of Brno at the festival. Regular visitors to the festival can remember the "Last Polo" performed in the Rašínova Spa or the "Raspberry Game" in the Michal Ženíšek Bookstore in Alfapassáž. The setting of the opera "Eternal Miss Pale, or Opera Uncertainty for the Masses" will be Zeman's cafe. The music was composed by Markéta Dvořáková & Ivo Medek, the libretto was written by Josef Škarka, directed by Jiří Nekvasil, and the musical production was undertaken by the conductor Michal Jančík.