Swing garden vol.29

27/08/20, 19:00

Let's travel back in time to the '30s and '40s of the last century,
a time of swing, Dixieland, and hot jazz hits. Our extended summer
terrace will turn once again into a real swing dance hall with
professional swing dancers and a swing band.

Houseband: TBA

Part of the event will be dance taster when can everyone who wants to try to teach beginnings of swing dance with professional swing teachers for free.
Let's swing!

Entry voluntary / Vstupne dobrovolne.
Akce se odohraje venku na naši letní zahrádce, jenom v případě špatného počasí se přesune dovnitř do salu /
The event will happen in our summer garden only in case of bad wheater will move inside to our stage room