Bernarda Alba

10/01/25, 19:00

Is family honor more than family itself? What happens behind closed doors - in a house where the sun's rays barely penetrate through the cracks in the wood of the shutters of the boarded-up windows? Are we willing to take off the social mask at least in front of ourselves, and are we even capable of it yet, or has it grown on our face?

Although Bernarda Alba tries to close her family from the world, the doors of her house are opening. The evil that is kept behind the walls takes human form and the fight for freedom becomes a fight for life. Michael John LaChiusa took Federico García Lorca's drama The House of Bernarda Alba as the subject for his musical. With the help of music with authentic Spanish elements, it tells the story of five daughters and a mother who wants to be in full control of their lives. But is she evil or is she just trying to protect her daughters?