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Workshop for the public: How ballet is made

01/02/25, 10:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)

The 120-minute workshop offers children of younger school age (6-11 years) the opportunity to gain insight into the world of ballet art in a playful and experiential way. During the workshop, children will learn something about the history of ballet, important music composers (and not only) ballet music, choreography, costume, scenography and will also have the opportunity to try out the basics of classical dance technique and the connection of various body movements and gestures and expand their movement vocabulary. The workshop also includes a meeting with a dancer from the NdB ballet company, with the aim of introducing children to this artistic profession up close. At the same time, it offers them the opportunity to discuss with an active artist about topics related to ballet art, music and many others that relate to the profession of a dancer.



Swan Lake

01/02/25, 18:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)

A ballet of ballets, which at the first viewing causes addiction and interest in the ballet genre. Tchaikovsky's famous music, Petipa/Ivanov's legendary choreography and the story of Princess Odette, enchanted into a swan, are a composition that stirs the hearts of more and more generations of ballet-goers of all ages around the world.


01/02/25, 19:00 / Besední dům Concert Hall

They play for dancing and listening Brno Philharmonic conducted by Dennis Russell Davies, Salon Orchestra Brno, Jazz Archive and Cymbal Classic. The ball is organized by the Union of Orchestral Musicians in cooperation with the management of the Brno Philharmonic.

Mammal Hands (UK)

01/02/25, 20:00 / Club Fléda

The trio of British musicians formed in the East English city of Norwich in 2012 and quickly gained a reputation for their unique blend of jazz and electronica.

Mutanti hledaj východisko + Stříbrný Rafael

01/02/25, 20:00 / Kabinet múz (The Cabinet of Muses)

After a year Mutanti hladaj vydluški returns to the Kabinet and will play a steamy set from the latest album as well as some older stuff. The Mutants will be joined by Silver Rafael, a skilled young shooter, so we are clearly playing for a win that night.

AM Band and Divá Bára

01/02/25, 20:00 / Old Bakery Music Cafe (Stará Pekárna)

Public event to celebrate Bezď's birthday. AM Band blues rock band around guitarist and singer Ondra Malina. Wild Bara pure energy, pure drive, pure rock, pure roll.

A Tale of living Water

02/02/25, 14:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

Aquarius birthday jam

02/02/25, 17:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

A traditional bar jam.

A Tale of living Water

02/02/25, 18:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

Hurvínek sells a Bride

02/02/25, 18:00 / Reduta Theatre

Would you also like to know what it is like to sell a bride? Smetana's Bartered Bride is one of the iconic opera pieces, but this time we decided to bring it closer to children in particular. And because a comic opera should be really fun, the members of the Janáček Opera NdB troupe invited the best possible guides among themselves. In the new family show, the famous puppet characters Spejbl with Hurvínek and Mánička will take you directly to the Bartered Bride and the world of opera. There will be Žeryk and the best musical pieces too, because the favorite puppets will be assisted by the soloists of Janáček's opera NdB together with our special Smetánov mini-orchestra.

GASTRO: Dinner for Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová (1785—1945)

02/02/25, 19:00 / Masaryk's student residence


02/02/25, 19:00 / Besední dům Concert Hall

5. SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT CHAMBER CONCERT Joseph Haydn: Divertimento in C major Joseph Haydn: Concerto in C major for cello and strings Astor Piazzolla: Le Grand Tango J. K. Vaňhal: Stabat Mater Terezia Fialová piano, Jiří Bárta cello, Marta Reichelová soprano, Marie Vrbová alto Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno (female choir) Barocco semper giovane, choir master and conductor Petr Fiala

A Tale of living Water

03/02/25, 19:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

Balet NdB 2: Silent Woods / Capriccio / For2

03/02/25, 19:00 / Reduta Theatre

To the captivating music of Antonín Dvořák, the dreamy story of a young woman will unfold before you. In Silent Woods, the protagonist dives into the depths of her mind, where she encounters echoes of the past. The relationship that once shaped her returns in the form of subconscious memories. After waking up, the heroine faces a crucial choice: return to the familiar past, or embark on a journey for a new, unknown horizon?

Fun Home

03/02/25, 19:00 / Divadlo Na Orlí (Na Orlí Theatre)

Comic artist Alison looks for inspiration in memories of the past. She returns to the time when she lived with her whole family in Maple Avenue in a small Pennsylvania town. She thinks of Dad, who was busy with the improvements to their house and the funeral home, and maybe that's why he was so unavailable at times. He also thinks about his coming out and the family secrets he revealed.

Jozef Van Wissem (NL) + Jakub Šimanský

03/02/25, 20:00 / Kabinet múz (The Cabinet of Muses)

JOSEF VAN WISSEM (NL) Jozef Van Wissem, a world-renowned lutenist and composer of dark music, brings his unique musical project to the Czech Republic. Renowned for his ability to blend ancient Renaissance and Baroque music with modern experimental elements, Van Wissem's credits include the soundtrack to Jim Jarmusch's vampire film Only Lovers Left Alive, which won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

JAKUB ŠIMANSKý A representative of American primitivism in Eastern Europe. Half of the Brno-based duo Šimanský Niesner. His records are released on the Stoned to Death Records label. We couldn't have asked for a better opening to this dark acoustic-ambient evening.

The pilot project of Music Lab - regular jam sessions connecting musicians not only from Brno. The goal is to play, improve, find new contacts, and have fun! Every musician joining a performance will get 150Kč for free at the bar!!! Tom Remon and David Lyttle join forces to explore the lesser-tried guitar & drums duo format. Playing jazz standards and originals, the two have covered a lot of mileage together having extensively toured the UK, Europe.

Rahel Talts Quartet

03/02/25, 23:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

Rahel Talts (Estonia) - piano

Donatas Petreikis (Lithuania) - saxophone

Mariusz Praśniewski (Poland) - bass

Jesper Lørup Christensen (Denmark) - drums

Rahel Talts Quartet is a group that plays Estonian pianist and composer Rahel's original music. The band's music could mainly be described as energetic, acoustic, melodic jazz which has some influences from Baltic and Nordic folk melodies as well as from old traditional jazz and bebop, which makes the music unique and special. In short, it is a happy, melodic jazz with fun twists. 

In May 2023, Rahel Talts Quartet released their first album called "Greener Grass", which was very well received, and they’re starting to record a new album this November! The quartet have played tours and concerts in France, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and more. Latest tour was to Southeast Asia, which was very successful.

A Tale of living Water

04/02/25, 19:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

The Prostitutes

04/02/25, 20:00 / Club Fléda

The band The Prostitutes returns to recording and touring after more than seven years. It will also arrive at Fléda!

Modern jazz-fusion quartet playing their own compositions. OKQ likes to groove, plays with joy and pure happiness. Oliver Kucharovič takes care of the bass , Jan Baroš plays the piano, Daniel Kéry serves the guitar. On drums is experienced Viktor Mudrak. We hope you enjoy the evening and music with us!

A Tale of living Water

05/02/25, 18:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

Manon Lescaut

05/02/25, 18:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)

Love knows no bounds, my guilt will be forgotten, but my love will not die... The beautiful Manon is no stranger to any human weakness - she would like the love of the young knight Des Grieux and a life of luxury and wealth that only the old banker Géront can provide her... But everything has its own price and not even love can save everything.


05/02/25, 19:00 / Besední dům Concert Hall

The Orchestral Academy of the Brno Philharmonic (OAFB) is a project that enables young talented musicians – students or recent graduates of music schools accepted on the basis of a selection process – to gain orchestral practice in a professional ensemble. In this way, the Philharmonic trains new generations of players who may one day join its ranks. The OAFB has been operating for six seasons and its fruits are already evident: some of its graduates are already members of our orchestra, others regularly return to help out. The importance and value of this experience for the artistic growth of young musicians and for the future of the orchestra is thus indisputable. In recent seasons, the Mladá krev cycle has gained a large audience, which appreciates the youthfully captivating performances of the performers, the attractive, diverse repertoire and, last but not least, the captivating atmosphere of these concerts, during which the Besední dom hall is intimately lit, atypically set up and the musicians are almost within reach , as the subtitle of the Close Up Music series suggests. During concerts, the barrier of the stage and the evening gown disappear. However, it has already become a tradition that former OAFB members or other guests also perform at Mladá krve concerts.

Ptaszek & Bužma - Blues and Gospel

05/02/25, 20:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

Matěj Ptaszek has long been a famous top bluesman of that raw rural type from somewhere in the south of the USA. His crackling howl and blowtorch are an unmistakable license plate - at least on the domestic scene. On the new album BLUES AND GOSPEL, Ptaszek teamed up with the no less bluesy juridical guitarist Lubomír "Bužma" Khýr and they recorded 10 excellent songs with both English and Czech texts. The authors are on the one hand Ptaszek and Bužma, on the other hand they are traditional and, of course, again adapted American classics.

How is an opera made? Workshop for the second grade of primary and secondary schools

06/02/25, 9:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)

Where did opera originate? What is a libretto? Who is the inspector? And what does a scenographer need to know? You will learn this and much more at our workshop. Participants will learn about the opera genre, the production process, the operation of the theater and the professions that work in the theater. It also includes a taste of opera singing.

A Tale of living Water

06/02/25, 19:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.


06/02/25, 20:00 / Kabinet múz (The Cabinet of Muses)

WWW Neurobeat

06/02/25, 20:00 / Club Fléda

Cult band WWW Neurobeat returns to Fléda with a new record.

Už jsme doma + Narajama/MoneyToo​

06/02/25, 20:00 / Alterna

We are already home + Narajama/MoneyToo​ will perform in Alterna in Brno.

SPYDER & Frank – Rock, Pop, R&B, Blues, Originals

06/02/25, 23:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

Ivo "Spyder" Křižan - americký muzikant českého původu hrál a spolupracoval s mnoha významnými hudebníky jako je Jeff Beck, Doug Lunn, Henri Bozzie, Mitch Mitchell a další. Dlouhá léta hrála v černošských klubových kapelách především v Kalifornii, ktšré pro něj byly ohromnou školou rythm blues. Spyder střídavě hudebně působí jak v zahraničí, tak na české hudební scéně, a jeho koncert slibuje nevšední hudební zážitek.

A Tale of living Water

07/02/25, 16:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

Manon Lescaut

07/02/25, 19:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)

“Manon is a heroine I believe in and therefore cannot fail to win the hearts of the audience. Why couldn't there be two operas about Manon? A woman like Manon can have more than one lover. Massenet feels her like a Frenchman, with powder and minuets. I will feel it like an Italian, with a desperate passion," declared Puccini determinedly, when his publisher tried to talk him out of composing an opera on a theme that had already been set to music. And he did well, because Manon Lescaut has been one of his great successes since its premiere in Turin in 1893. He kept what he promised and offered his audience passion, despair and hope that overcomes even the tragic end of the main character. After all, love never dies.


07/02/25, 20:00 / Club Fléda

Jan Fic - industrial blues

07/02/25, 20:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

In 2011, he founded the blues group The Weathermakers, with which he went from covered songs to his own work. He was also the bandleader of the recessive tramp group The Honzíci - with both of them he advanced to the national Porta circuit. In 2018, as a singer-songwriter, he took part in the international Blues Aperitiv competition in Šumperk, where he won the first prize, advancing to the main stage of the autumn Blues Alive festival. At the end of 2018, he released his solo album Město in collaboration with producer Martin Kyšperský. In 2020, he became the recipient of the award "For the beauty of the word", which is awarded every year by Radio Proglas. In September 2020, he released his second album, again in collaboration with Martin Kyšperský and the whole band. He gradually began to return to playing solo and ended his playing with the band by participating in the Colors of Ostrava festival. In April 2023, Jan released his third solo album, Homunculus, where he returns to his raw blues roots. In addition to music, he manufactures guitars and other musical instruments under the Red Bird Instruments brand.

WE ROCK: R.J. DiO tribute

07/02/25, 20:30 / Metro Music Bar

Tribute to the king of metal singing R.J.Dio with Jarda Barton (ex-Citron, Kreyson, Limetal). For the nine chimneys, for the nine winding roads, for the nine ancient times, the idea was born to restore the Krokus band in the Kingdom of Wallachia. And so it happened, although after nineteen concerts or nineteen beers, everything started to go towards only one card marked K. R.J. DIO became our metal king. Sheet music has been distributed and the band is launching the We Rock: DIO tribute band project. The birth of the band could date back to sometime in the 80s, but not with a long era of activity. Around 2010, the idea arose to revive this band with the help of the great rock personality Jaroslav Bartona (ex Citron), who is still active in it. After a few events where various covers were played, the decision was made to play only Ronnie James Dio's work. And so the band sails through the riffs and melodies of the bands Black Sabbath, Rainbow and Dio and is looking forward to more of his loyal fans! Jaroslav Bartoň – guitars Zbyněk Ševčík – guitars Vladimír Vaníček – vocals René GOGO Gockert – bass guitar Michal Baron - drums

A Tale of living Water

08/02/25, 14:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

A Tale of living Water

09/02/25, 14:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

King David had three sons. Jiří, Jakub and the youngest Jan. When the king fell ill, Queen Agnes remembered a strange dream from long ago about the existence of miraculous living water. The hopes and thoughts of the entire kingdom are now attached to her, and it is up to the young royals to gradually go out into the world and try to get living water and save the life of the dying king. And as is the case in good fairy tales, the path to a happy ending is complicated, full of adventures and pitfalls, and three cursed princesses cannot be missing.

Manon Lescaut

09/02/25, 19:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)

“Manon is a heroine I believe in and therefore cannot fail to win the hearts of the audience. Why couldn't there be two operas about Manon? A woman like Manon can have more than one lover. Massenet feels her like a Frenchman, with powder and minuets. I will feel it like an Italian, with a desperate passion," declared Puccini determinedly, when his publisher tried to talk him out of composing an opera on a theme that had already been set to music. And he did well, because Manon Lescaut has been one of his great successes since its premiere in Turin in 1893. He kept what he promised and offered his audience passion, despair and hope that overcomes even the tragic end of the main character. After all, love never dies.


10/02/25, 20:00 / Kabinet múz (The Cabinet of Muses)

Lab Jam Session #362: Jazz with Sarabanda

10/02/25, 20:30 / Music Lab

The pilot project of Music Lab - regular jam sessions connecting musicians not only from Brno. The goal is to play, improve, find new contacts, and have fun! Every musician joining a performance will get 150Kč for free at the bar!!! House band: Michal Grombiřík - cimbál, Tomáš Spiřík - kontrabas, Hynek Čejka - bicí, Sára Suková - vokál..

Merry Widow

11/02/25, 19:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)

The mission is clear - marry the widow! But so that her millions remain in the principality. There would be plenty of suitors, but Count Danilo, entrusted with the task, already has a love history with the widow Hana Glawari. So the affection is mutual, but the reluctance to admit that the old love has not rusted, either. When you add the other ingredients in the form of a party at the embassy in Paris, dancers from the famous U Maxima cabaret and witty dialogues, you have everything you need for a great operetta.

Water area not accessible to the public + guest

11/02/25, 20:00 / Kabinet múz (The Cabinet of Muses)


11/02/25, 20:00 / Café Práh

MONTY – singer-songwriter, lyricist, multi-instrumentalist, composer... His real name is Jiří Motyčák, born in 1979 in Bílovec.

Jam with Shanny

11/02/25, 21:30 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

Come and play. Drums, keyboards, guitar and microphones will be on site. Bass combo too. We are happy to plug in and play the other instruments.


12/02/25, 19:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

Well-known songs in their own arrangements.

Jan Burian: launch of the new album V Horečka

12/02/25, 19:30 / Club Leitnerova

The musical novelty is written like this: "Of course, it doesn't matter what coat Jan Burian puts on his songs. Their expression and the listener's perception will certainly influence whether they choose big beats, electronics or, as in the case of the V horečce record, the form of austere piano ballads, blues or couplets. In the end, however, the most important text and melody remain. And songs and lyrics, or more precisely, poems set to music from the Zničehonic collection, were successful for Burian. They are more and more like that... I'm almost afraid to write it so that it doesn't sound like irony, but in short, wiser. More reconciled. Concise in a nutshell. "I'm almost old / with an almost young heart / and that makes me almost happy," the author characterized himself right away in the opening song Skoro. Which many people can identify with, even if they are almost... a little younger. Of course, the mentioned wisdom does not include any posturing and schoolboy lecturing. But on the other hand, a lot of honesty, awareness of one's own vulnerability and empathy. Hear, for example, the atheistic sigh of the Tourist.” 11/2024, UNI, Tomáš S. Polivka.


12/02/25, 20:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

The band plays well-known songs in their own arrangements.

The Witches of Eastwick

13/02/25, 19:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

The adaptation of John Updike's novel The Witches of Eastwick first became a hit movie, in which three desperate women played by Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon spend their bored days in a small town and decide to charm a funny, intelligent, attentive and charming man. played by Jack Nicholson. For the Czech musical audience, however, the American film stars in their ideas of what the residents of Eastwick look like were replaced by the actors of our theater, in addition to the aforementioned Petr Štěpán, Petr Gazdík and the unforgettable Martin Havelka also shone in the lead role. A number of actresses took turns in the female trio, many of whom are still members of our troupe. "Enthralling, dazzling, shining with professionalism, sexy!" That's how theater critics of Brno's Čarodějka described it already during the first performance, and there is no reason to assume that it will be any different the second time around. The author duo John Dempsey (libretto and lyrics) and Dana P. Rowe (music) wrote the successful stage version of the work, which had its world premiere in 2000 at London's Drury Lane Theater and was based on the best traditions of the classic Broadway musical, which was also confirmed on domestic stage.

Toyota Vangelis + Zapomělsem

13/02/25, 20:00 / Kabinet múz (The Cabinet of Muses)