29/07/23, 20:00

F Scene 2023

In the program "Dyby byla Morava" we will show the audience through some parts of Moravia.

Where else to start than in my native Brno. The program will feature the region of Brno with the Lišňáci Čardáši performed by the Lišňáci ensemble. This ethnographic collection follows the customs and life of generations of people living in this village, today assigned to Brno as its district. The character of this former town was determined by its people, who retained their relationship to work, folk culture, costumes, customs, dances and folk literature. Their performances today are in this spirit.

Dancers from the Slovak Circle in Brno will show us dances from the regions of Kyjovsko and Horňácko. This oldest folklore association, whose establishment dates back to the beginning of the last century, maintains customs and traditions from the entire Moravian Slovácko. Members of the dance group, the men's and women's choirs, and the dulcimer band perform in three, and soloists in many more, of the region's twenty-seven types of folk costumes.

The set of Májek folk songs will take us to Wallachia, Mala Hana and Luhačovské Zálesí. The ensemble has been dedicated to these regions since its creation in 1974 and forms another part of the mosaic of this composed program.

The last participant of this program will be a "newcomer" among the aforementioned, the ensemble Demižón from Strážnice, who will show us how to dance, play and sing in Strážnice and Petrov. He devotes himself to precisely these folklore regions and occasionally jumps to Slovakia as well.

The author of the entire composed program is the head of Májk, Milan Zelinka, and the moderator Tomáš Gross will guide us through this ninety-minute program.

You can find more information here.