ExpArt Fest

28/10/16, 14:00

Meeting with foreign artists living in the Czech republic #concerts #exhibitions #meetup

ExpArt is a festival that aims to expose the work of foreign artists who live in the Czech Republic. To promote multiculturalism, art and integration of creative foreigners who live not only in Brno, but also in the whole Czech Republic, through showcasing our creative work, and how this city and Czech culture in general has influenced us in our art, or how we collaborate with local Czech artists. 

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Some of us are fully professional, some semi-professional, some total amateurs, but yet our vision of this city and this country can offer local Czech people a different point of view of the foreign community living here and break some of the barriers and prejudice. 

Two days of live music, theatre and dance performances, video projections, art and photography exhibitions, as well as stands where artists can sell their works, and also handcraft or food from all over the world.