Concentus Moraviae: Cantar Lontano + participants of the workshop

05/06/17, 19:30

Concert will tie on workshop for singers under the direction of Marco Mencoboni

 Cantar Lontano

participants of workshop

Marco Mencoboni / artistic leader


Claudio Monteverdi: Missa In Illo Tempore

 Missa In Illo Tempore was composed in “stile antico” to demonstrate that Monteverdi was a serious composer capable of writing in the most conservative style corresponding to a Counter-Reformation movement and thus qualifying him to a post in a major Roman church. Marco Mencoboni will perform this 6-part mass with members of his Cantar Lontano ensemble, however, participants of workshop for vocalists lead by Marco Mencoboni in Brno on June 4th and 5th will also participate in the concert.