Concentus Moraviae: Solamente naturali

28/06/17, 19:30

Solamente naturali

Miloš Valent / violin, viola, voice, artistic leader

Ján Rokyta / dulcimer, flutes, duduk, clarinet, voice

Peter Michálik / violin, voice

Peter Vrbinčík  / viola, voice

Piroska Baranyay / violoncelo

Tibor Nagy / bass

Soma Dinyés / harpsicord, daf, gong, triangle

 The program of Musica Globus is a symbiosis of Georg Philipp Telemann’s compositions and of songs and dances taken from Slovak, Moravian, German and English Baroque manuscripts. It naturally connects composed works from noble courts with rustical tunes from imaginary world of down below. All that is seasoned by the unrestrained temperament of the Slovak Baroque ensemble Solamente Naturali.


Musica Globus

Georg Philipp Telemann, baroque songs and dances from Slovak, Moravian and German manuscripts

Georg Philipp Telemann: Hanac  I, II, III, Vivement (manuscript Rostock)
Polonaise in D (manuscript Anna Szirmay-Keczer, 1720)
Tance (manuscript Rostock, manuscript Anna Szirmay-Keczer, 1720)
Saltus Hungaricus (manuscript Trenčín, 18th century)
Verbung per il Violino č. 32, 33 (manuscript Pestini, 18th century)
Ungrischr pro cembalo (manuscript Esztergom Biblioteca, 18th century)
Tanec (manuscript Anna Szirmay-Keczer, 1720)
Georg PhilippTelemann: Les  Moscovites, L´Esperance de Mississipi
John Playford: A new Hornpipe (Division Violin, 1694)
Nicola Matteis: Scotch humour, Hungaricus č. 20 (manuscript Saltus Hungarici and Dionisio, Uhrovec, 1730)
Anonym: Aria Hannaco
P. Kristian Hirschmentzel: Moravica, Alia illepida (Orpheus pro rusticus 1698)
Balada (collection František Bartoš, 1830)
Tanec (manuscript Uhrovec, 1730)
Georg Philipp Telemann: Les Janissaires
Nota Kurucz I, II (manuscript Uhrovec, 1730)
Žela trowke (manuscript Anna Szirmay-Keczer, 1720)
Tanec I, II (manuscript Anna Szirmay-Keczer, 1720)
En Kitzvo (manuscript Chassidic, Berlin 18th century)
Tanec (manuscript Anna Szirmay-Keczer, 1720)
Melódia (manuscript Uhrovec, 1730)
Georg Philipp Telemann: Les Turcs