Progress 2 – Christmas concert

22/12/23, 20:00

The art rock legend is finally in the Metro with a cross-section of all released albums!
Progres 2 is a rock band from Brno, playing from 1968 to the present day, with breaks from 1971 to 1977 and 1990 to 1992. They originally performed under the name The Progress Organization (1968–1971), in 1977 they recorded one album as the group Barnodaj. Since 1977, it has been playing as Progres 2, with the exception of the years 1987 to 1990, when it used the name Progres-Pokrok. The leader of the band until 1990 was drummer Zdeněk Kluka, who as the only musician went through all periods and participated in all albums. Since 1992, when the group resumed its activities, guitarist Pavel Váně has been the bandleader.