Guitar festival: Tom Kerstens (GB/NL)

09/08/18, 20:00

The International Guitar Festival BRNO 2018 features a concert by TOM KERSTENS (GB / NL), a Dutch guitarist living in the UK. Kerstens is the Director of the International Guitar Festival in London, and according to Classic FM rating in England, he is one of the world's top classical guitarists.

Other concerts of the festival:
5. 8. Flamenco night (Špilberk Castle)
7. 8. RENE IZQUIERDO, Cuba-USA (New Town Hall)
8. 8. COSTAS COTSIOLIS, Greece (New Town Hall)
10. 8. Festival guitar orchestra, conductors: Nikita Koškin, Vladimir Novotny +  soloists of courses (New Town Hall)